I haven’t published much content lately, and for that I apologize. We are in the process of moving into a new house and clearing out and renting the condo that we were living in. So I went from spending a lot of my free time house shopping to spending it moving, cleaning, and doing yard work. I should have posted something earlier about my slower pace, but honestly I was hoping I could just get back at publishing once a week and not have to.
Maintaining this site has always been a hobby, and I try to keep that in mind. I’ve had periods where I am really inspired to pump out content, and others where it hasn’t sounded like much fun. At times that has been due to something akin to writer’s block. Basically I just didn’t have any great ideas to write about. Other times I just haven’t felt like writing. When I started the site, I held myself to a strict schedule of publishing one article per week. The idea was I wanted to stack up a bunch of (hopefully) interesting and informative articles so the site would become a valuable resource for collectors.
I had a lot more free time when I started the site than I do now. That combined with the simple passage of time made it somewhat inevitable that I would run into a period of burnout at some point. While I was considering starting a website, I wrote down all the ideas I could think of for articles and research projects. I got to about 50 and then decided to give it a go. Over the last 32 months, I have written about all those topics (and many more). It can be a little tough to come up with new topics that I believe my readers will find value in. As many of you know, I could do deep dives into back collecting minutiae every week. But I’m not sure how many people would be interested in some of it.
For now I am not going to make any decisions or set a new publication schedule. The plan is just to write when I have the time and inspiration, and go from there. I may stick with the current format, or I may throw in some lower content blog-style posts in order to publish a little more often.
One thing is certain; this site isn’t going anywhere. Even if I take breaks here and there, I plan to keep the website up and running. I’m proud of all the content I have produced and want to keep it available for you guys and future T206 collectors to reference.
On a related note, if any of you have an idea for a guest article, I would love to talk about publishing it here on the site. Some topics that I think would be really cool include (but are not limited to) player bios, stories about your personal collecting focus, fun collecting finds, etc.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for bearing with my slower pace the last few months.